Insurance – Independent Agent Vs Captive Agent
So what exactly is the difference between an independent agent and a captive agent? In a word – OPTIONS!
A captive agent represents 1 singular company. An independent agent works with several different companies, but ultimately works for the client.
Working with many different carriers is challenging and rewarding. Each company has their own discounts, rates, rules etc., so an independent agent uses a comparative rater. This is specialized computer software that allows us to answer all the questions for the carriers and get rates for each company simultaneously. This works most efficiently for car insurance, but theoretically can work for all insurance, personal and commercial.
How can you, as the consumer, help? Answer all the questions we ask even if they do not seem relevant. Studying insurance trends and markets, we know how to find hidden discounts to optimize rates. If we ask you questions about your highest education level and occupation, that is because there are discounts associated with both. There are many other questions that are asked so be patient and let us do our job… finding you, our valued client, the best coverage for the lowest possible rate.
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